Thursday, April 11, 2013

Random Thursday! {I'm addicted to..}

What up ladiesssss? :) It's time for another awesome week of Random Thursday! Go link up with LinMeg, and Em!
Some of these are going to be über lame, but hey that's just how it goes.
1. Pop
I know some of y'all will make fun of me for calling it "pop" but that's what it is. It's not soda, it's pop! Got it? More specifically, I'm addicted to Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper. I know that it's bad for me, but damnit I LOVE IT.

2. Fingernail polish
I have a TON and I keep buying more. I can't stop. I just see colors that I like and I have to have them. My husband tells me I have too much and I should stop buying them.. ha yeah right. ;) These are all mine. 

3. iPhone cases
These need no explanation.
4. Starbucks Double Chocolaty Chip Frapuccinos
Uh, YUMMY. They're one of the only things I get at SB because I don't like coffee.
5. Netflix
Netflix is amazeballs, I love to watch TV shows and movies I've seen a thousand times and then sometimes even watch new stuff! I love having it all at my fingertips! 
6. Tattoos
I have eight and plans for a few more, at least. They're SO addicting. I love them!

7. Chocolate 
8. Games on my iPad.

Mermaid World
Campus Life
What's The Phrase
Top Stylist
Fashion Star Boutique 
That's all I got for now. :)


  1. Dr. Pepper is the bee's knees! Love that stuff so much we buy 2 liters by the caseload. Ok, not really but it sure seems that way haha. I think it's cute that you call it "pop". Maybe it's a midwestern thing?

    Holy hell girlfriend, that's a ton of nail polish! haha

    1. I LOVE Dr. Pepper! I love cherry Dr. Pepper and I love vanilla cream dr. pepper from Sonic, BEST EVER! I just love it! Haha.

      And I don't know, lol. I've definitely heard some people (like my husband) that are from the midwest call it "soda" and I've heard some people that aren't from the midwest call it "pop." Lol.

      Ha, I know, I told you it's an addiction for real.

  2. Nail polish. Tattoos. Chocolate. It's like we're sisters.

    Also? Loving that you put the little dot things (yes, I know they have a name. No, I do not know what it is.) over the "u" in "über"!

    Thanks for linking up with us!

    1. Nice! Those three things rank in the top ten of my favorite things. :)

      Haha, thanks. It just looked totally wrong until I put it there and my mac didn't like it without it.

      Of course! :)

  3. Chocolate, yes!! I also hoard nail polish.

  4. When I came to America I had no idea what people meant when they talked about pop. Haha. I live in Ohio and people always call it like that. But I agree, I love Dr. Pepper too.

    1. Haha, that's so funny! You're not the first person that I've heard say that.

  5. love me some chocolate! and nail polish and the fact that you call it pop!
    that's what it should be called! us Canadians got your back :)
    thanks for linking up girl!
