Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Random ramblings.

I'm sorry it's been a bit since I've blogged. I went home to Oklahoma over the weekend and Chase and I bought his dad's truck. It was a quick there and back trip. We also started the process of taking boxes of our household goods home. :( It's getting really real that Chase is getting out of the Army and we will be moving back to Oklahoma. 

I called the technology center that I want to enroll in cosmetology at and they said there's a 9+ month waiting list before I'd even be able to start the process of enrollment. That really sucks, I didn't even think that it would be that long or I would've called and got my name on a waiting list months ago. I've started to think about maybe going back to college or going to bartending school. I just don't even know what I'd want to go to college for. Possibly sports medicine or teaching, but I have visible tattoos and I know that'll deter some people from hiring me, even if I have a degree. I just hope I'll be able to find something I want to do. In a completely perfect world, I'd LOVE to be a professional photographer, maybe I'll look into taking some classes somewhere to better myself in the photography world. :) 

Anywho, here's a photo of our new truck! It's a 2009 Chevy Silverado 1500. 


  1. I always wanted to be bartender. Then again, I always wanted to be a bartender in Vegas haha. Yeah, instead I'm in a cubicle 10 hours everyday.

    Thats a pretty great truck. Looks like his dad really kept it up which is really great.

    1. I suck that I'm just now seeing this, haha.
      Dude, I just want to GO to Vegas!

      Yeah, his dad took really good care of it, it only had 18,000 miles on it! It's so nice!
