Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sunday Social!

Sunday Social

Happy Sunday and Happy Easter! :) It's Sunday Social with Ashley and Neely! 

1. What is your favorite type of workout to do?
Currently biking! It kicks me ass every single time but it's fun and it's outside. I'd rather not be in a stinky, loud gym! 

2. What is your favorite guilty pleasure candy or sweet?
Reeses, Hersey's ANYTHING, Oreos. Yum yum yum!

3. What is one thing you continuously forget to do?
Put my husband's debit card back in his wallet after I use it. He's literally going to scatter my purse all over the house one day when I forget to put it back.. He's threatened before, lol. 

4. Do you prefer post-its or phone reminders? Why?
Neither? I don't really do either. I sometimes make an old fashioned list on notebook paper. :)

5. What is your favorite picture currently on your phone that always makes you smile?

This because almost all of these are so awesome and they capture how my husband and I act together very well. :) 

 And this one because I miss that little brat and she never fails to make me smile. :)

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