Thursday, February 28, 2013

Just a rant from today.

Holla! Let me tell y'all about something that happened to me today that kind of pissed me off and irritated me. 

First off, this was over the internet, so it really shouldn't bother me, but damnit it did. Just a teeeeeensy bit. 

It all started on a military spouse website I frequent. The thread was about ghosts and if you believe in them and if you've ever had a experience with them. 

My first reply: "Yes I very much believe in them, but I have not had any experiences myself."

First replier: "What's the basis for your belief, then"

Me: "The same basis I have in God. Just because I haven't seen it doesn't mean it's not there."

Second replier: "I don't mean this to be an insult, it's just a question, but do you believe in unicorns, too?"

Me: "No."

Second replier: "May I inquire as to why not?"

Me: "It doesn't matter. I believe what I believe, as do you."

Second replier: "No, I get that. So you do place a premium on the ability to prove in some circumstances, that was all I was trying to get to. Like I said, I was just inquiring, not trying to deconvert. Apologies if I've offended." 

First replier: "I was just wondering, also... I can understand why someone who believes they've seen a ghost would believe in ghosts; I'm a little less clear on why someone who's never seen a ghost might believe in them. 

Me: "And I don't have an answer for you, I just do. That's all there is." 

Second replier: "I can sort of see a correlation. Religion promises an afterlife, and ghosts could be construed as "evidence" thereof."

Alright, where to start here? First, if you have to start a statement with "I don't mean this is be an insult," "I'm not trying to offend you," "no offense, but.." or anything else that remotely sounds like that, you're probably about to say something that's going to be offensive/mean/rude or all three.

Secondly, I HATE when people say things like this. Just because YOU don't believe in ghosts/aliens/fairies/big foot/the Loch Ness monster/God/Satan/demons/angels etc etc etc doesn't mean you need to be all snarky about your replies. I know that many people need to SEE things with their own eyes or for it to be scientifically proven to believe their validity and I completely get that, I really do, but because I can believe in something that has not been "proven" to be real, doesn't mean that it's not real. I know many many MANY people who have had experiences with ghosts/entities/spirits and the like, hell I even know a man that SWEARS up and down that he saw Big Foot in Oklahoma!

I'm all up for differing opinions/beliefs and shit. I really don't care what your religious preference or lack there of is, as long as you don't try to talk shit about mine. I have not and will not ever talk down to someone about something they believe in, even if it's vastly different from my own beliefs.

I just don't understand the need of people to be snark filled and "constructively rude" about things. Oh well, I know that the world is FULL of people that are like this and I will just have to get used to it. I'll get upset/annoyed/irritated for a little bit and then let it gooooooooooooo.

That's all! Have a WONDERFUL weekend y'all! :)

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