Friday, October 5, 2012

You drive me crazy, I just cant sleep.

I know I'm a little late to this link-up over at The Vintage Apple.

Does it make me crazy that: 
1. I dip my hot fries in chocolate ice-cream? 
2. My toe nails have to ALWAYS be painted? 
3. I have to have some sort of noise on when I'm going to the bathroom? I don't want people to hear me going number two, okay. 

4. I have to have some sort of noise when I sleep? It FREAKS ME OUT if it's super quiet and I'm trying to sleep. I feel like there's a murderer at my window and he's trying to get in. 

5. I always always always spell everything out when I'm writing, typing, texting? I can't stand abbreviations, especially ones like "tho" "2" "kno" "wat" "u." 

6. I'm scared, and I mean absolutely TERRIFIED, of every single bug you can ever think? I don't just mean like spiders and shit, no I mean butterflies, moths, dragonflies, grasshoppers, crickets, rollie pollies, and everything else.

7. I'm scared of escalators? I don't know why. I've never had a bad experience on one, I just developed this fear one day about missing the step and falling down the escalator or my jeans/shoes getting stuck and it trying to suck me in. 

8. I spend a ridiculous amount of money on iPhone covers? They're just all so cute, leave me alone! There's a million more, I'm sure. I know I'm crazy, you don't need to tell me.

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