Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oh kids.

I'm not sure if anyone is reading this or not, but anyway.

This post will be about children. I LOVE them, seriously LOVE, when they're not screaming, crying, throwing a tantrum, or being a brat. With that being said, I started babysitting a three month old and a five year old three days a week for my husband's friend and his wife this past Monday, and let me tell you am I SO glad I don't have kids. I know babies cry and shit, but holy cow! I hope that when I do have kids that I know how to make them stop crying most days, I can't handle the crying! They're really cute though so that helps. :) The five year old is a bit bossy, but she ALWAYS wants to help me with her little sister and that's awesome! I know when I was her age I sure as hell didn't want to help anyone with my sister, I wanted to throw her off a cliff! Just kidding.. kinda.

This brings me to my other point. I wish people would LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE about when I'm going to have kids. I'm getting ready to start telling peope that I'm not having kids, ever just so they will stop asking me. Yeah, I'm married, so what. Yeah, we've been together for six years and married for over two, so what. Oh, you started having kids when you were eighteen, nineteen, or twenty? That's wonderful, awesome, great, amazing FOR YOU. Just because YOU had kids then, doesn't mean that I want to. Chase and I have discussed it and discussed it and discussed it and we have agreed that as of now, we're not going to start trying to have them for AT LEAST THREE more years. I know people can't fathom that at all! "Oh my gosh, no way! You want to actually be married for five years before you start trying to have a baby?! WHY would you ever do such a thing?" I know I don't have to explain myself to anyone, but holy fuck sauce. There's only so much a girl can take when asked the SAME questions over and over and over and I give the SAME answers. Why are my reproductive organs any of your business? Oh yeah, THEY AREN'T! So please for your sake and for mine, DON'T ASK why I haven't started trying to have kids yet, don't ask me when I'm going to, don't tell me that I'm going to be an old parent because I want to start trying at twenty-three to twenty-five.

I'll be twenty-one years old in less that two weeks and hey, I LIKE not being responsible for anyone else but me. I like being able to hang out with my husband alone, go to Wal-Mart at three in the morning if we want, go to midnight movies, do things spur of the moment just because we can. I will NEVER be able to get my twenties back. I'll never be able to relive my first years of marriage with my husband. Those are two things that are very important to me at this time in my life.

I want to have kids. I love kids. Kids are amazing and sweet and cute and funny and they make the world go 'round, but I want to be a wife first for a while. I want to know that my marriage is one hundred precent ready to bring kids into this world. It's already fucked up enough without dealing with parents that fight all the time or resent each other because they weren't ready to be parents.

Now, to be clear I don't judge anyone that became parents when they were young or are planning to have them younger than I want to. What's right for you isn't always right for me, and that's okay. I'd rather spoil someone else's kids while I wait for the day when I can't wait anymore to become a mother. And believe me, when I do become pregnant, I won't be able to hold it in for long and I will shout it from the rooftops and I know that there will be a ton of people that are happy for me, so until that time comes can you just not tell me I need to have kids, ask when I'm going to start trying to have them, ask me if I'm pregnant yet or anything else along those lines? It would greatly make me happy. :)


  1. LOL i thought the SAME exact things when i was 21. you're young, you have all the time in the world to have a family! in the mean time, enjoy your 20s - enjoy the fact that you can up and go anywhere, anytime; sleep in, sleep all night (something parents with kids won't be able to do until they're in their teens!).

    having said that, being a parent is a wonderful blessing as well... to see a little child; that extension of yourself is something that everyone should experience. kids are hard work, i won't lie; but they're also awesome and once you have a kid, you can't imagine your life without them :)

    1. Yeah, I know. I agree. I can't wait to be a mom, but then again I can, lol. Kids are awesome, but I love being able to give them back right now. I'm not going to lie. A lot of it comes from my mom and it just gets annoying when she asks every time I talk to her. There's only so much a person can take.

      Also, if I were to get pregant now I'd be extrememly happy and excited but I'd like to be just married for a while. :)

      Thanks for the comment.
