Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Marriage Equality.

This has been a very hot topic lately, in regards to gay marriage and prop 8 and all that jazz. I, for one, am 150% for gay marriage. I don't think that there should be any discrimination about the marriages of two people who are in love, regardless of their gender, nationality, or any other factors that don't really matter. Men and women get married ALL THE TIME. Boys and girls can get married that aren't even old enough to freaking vote because all they need is a parental signature. Men and women can get married after knowing each other for only a week, but a man and a man or a woman and a woman that have been in love and been by each other's sides for YEARS can't marry because the government says it's not okay. Why? I find it absolutely absurd that the government is dictating who you can marry. I know that people live happily without being married, they live together and have kids and all that, but why are these people being denied the right to marry because they fell in love with someone that has the same genitalia as they do? I just don't really understand it. 

I've heard people say, "gay parents can't raise children." Why the hell not? What about them is different from a heterosexual couple raising children, aside from the fact that they 100% WANTED to be parents and then fought like hell to make it happen? You do NOT need a man and a woman specifically to be raised a successful adult, you need loving parents that are doing their best to raise you the right way. You need to be taught manners, respect, compassion, consideration and all the other good qualities that make people good and guess what, those can be taught by two men or two women. It's okay to have two moms or two dads. 

People say that gay marriage is wrong because the Bible says so. Well, there's a ton of things that the Bible says not to do that people do, and I'm not just talking about the ten commandments. (This is all paraphrased fyi) It says that you can't eat pork or touch a pig skin, football anyone? (Deuteronomy 14:8) it says that you're not to mix fabrics (Deuteronomy 22:11) it says that women should have their head covered and it is a disgrace to cut their hair or shave their head (1 Corinthians 11:6) it says do not mate different kinds of animals, do not plant different seeds in the same field and again says do not wear clothing made of two kinds of woven materials. (Leviticus 19:19) 

There are 108 Bible verses about judging others. “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; (Luke 6:37 ESV) Every single last one of them says something along the lines of what I quoted from Luke. Therefore why is it okay to judge people for who they love and want to marry? All races of people can marry within or out of their race, so why is it different for gender? If we allow for gay people to marry in ALL 50 states, nothing will happen besides gay people being able to marry who they love, the world won't fall apart, another world war won't break out, NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. If it doesn't directly affect your life, why does it matter? 

I hope that when I have children, I will be able to teach them tolerance. I want my children to grow up and know that it's okay to be gay and there's nothing wrong with it. It's not a disease and you can't be cured of it, no matter how hard people try. I want my children to see that love is blind and it doesn't care if you're a man or woman or what color your skin is, it matters what's in your heart. I want my children to know that I won't care if they are gay or straight and that all I want is for them to be happy, healthy and to know love. I hope that one day we, as a whole, will be able to accept gay marriage and it will no longer be an issue.