Thursday, January 31, 2013

Random Thursday!

It's time for another edition of Random Thursday with Meg, Em and Lin! :) Go join in on the fun! 

This weeks topic is "Top 5 Worst TV Shows." 

Family Guy.
It's so freaking stupid and annoying, I can NOT stand to watch it. I hate the way everyone talks and all the bad jokes are fucking ridiculous.

Honey Boo Boo.
I have watched it a few times and I'll admit I laughed, but I can not get over how stupid it is and how freaking stupid they act on there. It really just shows that doing stupid shit will get you a TV show.

Dual Survival. 
BLEH. Chase watches this whenever it's on and it just annoys the hell out of me. I can't stand one of the guys on there, he's an annoying little asshole and he whines a lot.

Jerry Springer.
Need I say more?

SpongeBob SquarePants.
Oh my gosh, I can not stand this show. SpongeBob's voice is annoying. I don't understand how a show about a FREAKING TALKING SPONGE has lasted so many seasons. It's absolutely RIDICULOUS. 


  1. Family Guy is a total stoner show haha. Stewie & Brian are totally hilarious but only when in the right mind frame.

    Totally agree that Honey Boo Boo is horrid. Can't believe people like that are getting paid to be on TV. Ugh. My husband watches Dual Survival all the damn time & couldnt agree with you more about the annoying dude. *cough* Cody *cough*

    Thanks for linking up with us!

    1. Hahahahahaha! I bet most anything is a good show to watch if stoned. :P

      I KNOW! And yes!!! You read my mind about Dual Survival, yuck!

  2. I have never watched Honey Boo Boo but I can imagine how horrible it is!

  3. I feel you on the Family Guy! Everytime I go to the gym it is on and it's so annoying because that is the station that comes on first so I always have to lsiten to their annoying voices even if only for a minute. I don't get that show at all although some people seriously love it. Oh, and if you want to link up I'm doing a Five Facts link up for everybody who got left out from the whole Instagram trend... or even if you didn't get left out. Super easy and fast to write. Just found your blog and have loved getting to know you better... I'm excited to follow along!

    new follower :)

    1. Haha, I'm glad there are people that don't like FG, it seems that everyone I know love it and I just don't get it!

      Awesome, I will check it out! Thank you for following! :)

  4. I agree with all of these!!
    I used to love family guy and then I don't know, I just couldn't do it anymore! drives me nuts.
    as for jerry springer. I would rather stare at a tv not turned on that watch it.
    thanks for linking up!

    1. Haha, me too! My husband LOVES Jerry Springer, I just don't get it. Why do I want to watch a show that you hear almost nothing because everything is bleeped out and the people that are on there are so trashy looking, I just can't.

      You're welcome! :)

  5. I never understood the Family Guy and SpongeBob obsession either!

  6. Honey Boo Boo is a SHOW??? I thought it was a kid from that tiaras show. Kinda glad I know so little about either that I don't know that. Also the only good thing about Family Guy is Stewie (it's that show, right?). That one and the one with the robot who drinks beer everyone raves about and I just shake my head.

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. Hahaha yes! She was on Toddlers and Tiara's and THEN GOT HER OWN SHOW!!! WHY? Lol, yes Stewie is on Family Guy. Hmm, the robot that drinks beer? I'm not sure I know which show that it, I feel like there's a lot of stupid ones that could have that on there.

  7. Jerry Springer is definitely one! I was trying to things of older shows but I couldn't. I was probably trying to block it out of my mind!

    1. Hahaha! It took me a while to think of these, I even had to ask my husband for help! He knows more about the shows I hate then the ones I like. :P
