Thursday, January 24, 2013

Random Thursday!

Well, here we meet again Random Thursday, it's been far too long since I've done this awesome link-up with Lin, Meg and Em.   


This week's topic is.. "If you found $100 what would you do with it?"
Alright, don't hate me y'all, but unless I actually saw someone drop that Benjamin, I'm 99% sure I'd keep it for myself. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH FINGERNAIL POLISH AND IPHONE CASES THAT WOULD BUY?! If your answer is no, then let me tell you, the answer is A LOT. 

I don't like talking to people I don't know very much, so I surely wouldn't take it to the local PD, because I'd be really nervous and they'd probably laugh at me for turning in a hundred bucks. Like I said, if I saw someone drop money, no matter if it was $5 or $500 I'd totally run and pick it up for them and give it back. I'd chalk up finding $100 just alone and laying on the ground to getting lucky and having some good karma thrown my way, so to keep with that good karma, I'd probably find a way to do something nice for someone else. Hell, I'd probably go and buy my fingernail polish and pay for someone else's things because that's one way to keep the karma good. 

Also, I know that most people would be like, "YES, that's my money. I just dropped it," and be totally lying to get the money, so once again I'm not going to ask or give it to anyone unless I see them drop it.

Well, the recap is, I'd keep the money unless I saw with my own two eyes, someone drop it.

Happy Thursday! :)


  1. I'd do the exact same thing. Thought about maybe whether or not I'd ask around to see if anyone dropped it but truth is, people lie. Hell, I'd lie if it came to a hundred bucks haha.

    Thanks for linking up!

  2. totally on the same page as you! so many people would just say it was there's without thinking twice.
    not only do you rock for linking up but you rock for being the first!!

    1. Yep! That's true.
      Of course! It's always fun! :)

  3. I am on the same page with you also! Yay nail polish ;) haha
