Monday, October 15, 2012

Show and Tell: When I was 17. :)

Today I will be linking up with Becky at From Mrs. to Mama for Show and Tell Monday. 


Today's topic is when you were 17. 
17 was only 4 years ago so here we go! 

 1. When you were 17, tell us what kind of car you drove, where you worked, and what you were usually up to on the weekends?

When I was 17:
  •  I drove a 1992 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 shortbed in blue. I loved it! 
  • I worked for my grandpa. He owns an oil well pumping business, welcome to Oklahoma eh? I didn't do the pumping though, I did paper work and cleaned stuff for him. It was GREAT! I made $10 an hour!
  • I was almost always at a basketball game whether it was a home or away game and I was always with my best friend Heaven. We got into A LOT of trouble, but it was a shitload of fun. :)
2. Show us a picture of you when you were 17 {roughly}.
Me and my truck as mentioned up there. ^ :)

Gah! That stupid face, I regret making it in 98% of my photos from high school..

My best friend Heaven and I. :)

3. When you were 17, tell us what you wanted to be when you "grew up."
It was Elementary Education or English teacher.

4. When you were 17, tell us the kind of boys that you dated. Did you have a type? Do you have a relationship you remember well? Tell us about it.
I've only ever had one serious boyfriend and that's my husband. :) We dated from 2006-2010. We had just started sophomore year when we got together. We were broken up for a few months at the end of our senior year though. It was your pretty typical high school relationship, only we never went to the same high school, we met through a friend. No type.

5. When you were 17, tell us where you pictured your life 10 years from then. Did it turn out the way you expected it to?
 It's only been 4 years since I was 17, so I can't really answer this too well. I didn't think I'd have been married for over 2 years by the time I was 21 though, so that's a little different. I figured I'd stay in college, but that didn't work out. I didn't think I'd be living in Kansas. Oh well, I love my life and I wouldn't change it for anything!


  1. I would have loved to work for my grandpa & especially at $10 an hour. Wowza.

    1. Haha, everyone I went to school with was pretty jealous but they told me I didn't do shit..

  2. I love this post! I love reading about people when they were younger! Also, I have nominated you for a Liebster can read more about it here!!
    Leslie @ Sincerely, Leslie

    1. Thank you! :) Maybe I'll write more in depth about it sometime! And uh, that's too cool! Thank you!

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