Friday, October 12, 2012

My husband. The sleep edition.

This post is a husband post, but not your typical one. I could sit here for hours and tell y'all how awesome, sweet, fun, caring, amazing, thoughtful, nice etc etc etc he is, but I'll save that for another day. :) 

This is going to be a list of all the funny shit he says in his sleep. He definitely keeps me on my toes. 

These two are from tonight:
He just rolled over and the conversation went like this.
Him: "Where's that laser?"
Me: "What laser?"
Him: "I don't know you had a laser and you were pointing it at me."
Me: *laughing* "Oh, I don't have a laser."
Him: "Okay okay okay!"
... Him: "Darn."
Me: "Why?"
Him: "Cause lasers are so cool!"

I was reading him something and he said, "say again sergeant?" Then he's all like, "oh shit, sorry I was dozing off, I've been in the Army too long. What did you say baby?"

August 11th, 2012.
He said all mad, "I DON'T EVEN HAVE RAIN IN MY NAME!" I was like, "huh?" He said, "I DON'T EVEN HAVE RAIN IN MY NAME BUT YOU ALWAYS DO AND IM MAD!" I said, "oh okay, do you want me to stop putting rain in my name?" He shook his head no so I repeated. Then I said, "so I can still put rain in my name?" And he said, "no! Because you don't even have lots of babies!"

June 14th, 2012.
Chase telling me about his dream when he's still half asleep. 
"I was making a joke about anal and you got really mad and it caused me to lose a very important pencil while we were house sitting for someone and then someone was kicking the garage door. I borrowed Madison's truck and I couldn't find out where he lived and someone told me it was on the corner of Trailer Park Blvd...." 

January 29th, 2012.
My husband on Ambien.. *Does a silly dance* "WHOO WHOO LIKE A TREE." *Poses like a tree* "WHOO WHOO LIKE A TREEEEE." *Poses like a tree again* "WHOO WHOO LIKE A BUSH" *Crunches down like a bush* 
Me: *giggling* "Why are you saying "whoo whoo? Trees don't make sounds." Chase: "That's the lightning and thunder that trees need to grow." 
Me: "Huh? I don't understand." 
Him: "That's the lightning and thunder trees NEED! I don't understand why you don't understand!" 
Me: "Because trees don't need lightning and thunder." 

Last, but not least, back in 2009 before he deployed to Iraq he was at my house and he fell asleep, after about 10 minutes he stretched his hands out as far as he could and said, "I love you more than a giant t-rex's pawprint." That's now one of our cute little jokes we have with each other. :)

Here are a few photos of my goober husband. 

 Fall 2011.

After we got married; July 2010.

Iraq early 2010.


  1. Ha ha! That's hilarious. Man, I wish my husband would say crazy things like that in his sleep. The most he has ever said is, "NO!" really loud. :)

    1. Hahaha. Thanks. :) He definitely makes me laugh a lot.
